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Islamic miracles around the universe

75 clips found in this album
Allah on Clouds
Allah on Fish
Allah on Honey
Kalima on Egg
Kalima on Lungs
Air Tubes in the Lungs of All Human Beings "This is the pattern of air tubes in the lung of all human beings. The pattern has been worked out with extreme precision on a computer in Saudi Arabia. The air pipes are distributed in the shape of declaration of the Islamic creed in the Arabic language that affirms the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH)." It reads: 'La ilaha Illahau Muhammad-ur-Rasulullah' There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is the Messenger of Allah.
Kalima on Tomato
KALMA-E-TAYYEBA WRITTEN INSIDE THE TOMATO According to a reporter from the Express newspaper, UK, they were calling it the Miracle Tomato of Huddersfield. For when a schoolgirl sliced it in half she found written inside what thousands believe to be a message from God. Moslem Shasta Aslam 14, was astounded to see the words, spelled out in Arabic, "There is only one God" and "Mohammed is the messenger" in the veins of the each segment. Then more than 50 worshippers a day were making a pilgrimage from all over Britain to see the wonderful tomato. And the shop which sold it has been doing roaring trade in the fruit since the find on that Sunday afternoon. Shasta made the discovery as she helped her grand parents prepare a salad at their terraced home in Lockwood, Huddersfield. She paid about 60 pence for a bag of tomatoes on a trip to a store across the road with her cousin, 14-year-old Jasmine Saleem. When Shasta returned she cut up the first two tomatoes into small pieces. But she took a third from the brown paper bag, something made her stop. She turned to her grandfather Noor Mohammed, 68 and asked: "Which way shall I cut the tomato, granddad?" He told her to slice it top to bottom. If she had chopped it up like the others the message would have been lost. Shasta, a pupil at Salendine Nook High School, said yesterday: "God made me buy that tomato. These words are a message from God. It's a miracle." Shasta's mother Shamim Javed, said: "She keeps up her prayers and goes down to the mosque as often as she can God has sent us all a sign." She added "You hear about these things in foreign countries but never here in Britain - let alone Huddersfield! It was an incredible twist of fate that the tomato ended up with Shasta. "Someone else could easily have sliced the tomato the other way round, or even eaten without noticing the message inside." Shasta's grandfather has been greeting hundreds of worshippers from across the country at his home. He kept the tomato on a plate in his fridge hoping to preserve it as long as possible. "Nearly 200 people had come from as far away as Manchester, Birmingham and London to see it," he said. "We are expecting a lot more people from further afield. "Shasta comes to see us almost every day after saying prayers at the mosque. She is always helping us out." Shopkeeper Shahida Parveera, who works at Younas Foodstore across the road, has been selling out of tomatoes every day since the discovery. "We are thinking of opening a tomato trade," he said. Last year hundreds of Asians flocked to the home of a man in Bolton who believed he had received a message from Allah in an Aubergine. Factory worker Salim Patel sliced one open and saw that the seeds spelled out the name of the Moslem deity. (Courtesy of Express Newspaper, UK, June 1997)
Kalima on Tree
Kalima on Tree
Kalima on Fish
The word Muhammad(Sal) on Goat
North Africa where Christian missionaries are trying to convert poor Muslims by using humanitarian resources given by the UN. The picture reveals a goat born with the a white mark that spells "Muhammad" in Arabic. Muhammad (pbuh) is God's last prophet and the one whom the Quran was brought upon. The picture is genuine which explains why there was an attempt by missionaries to remove the goat for good
Tree performs Ruku
This tree is discovered in a forest near Sidney. As you can see the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in a posture of Islamic Prayer - the RUKU. Looking close you can see the hands resting on the knees. The most amazing thing is that the "man" is directly facing the Holy Kaaba in Mecca which is the direction makes you think does it not.
The Seas Not Mingling with one another
The Identity on Finger Print
The Layers of Atmosphere
Sword of Hazrath Ali(Ral)
While preparing food in Hussaiyneeya in Kuwait (1420), a person cut a potato and noticed a drawing on it. It than became clear that it was Hazrat Ali's sword: Thol-Faqqar.
About Air Pressure in Quran
The word Allah in Apple
The word Allah in Ear Shape
The word Allah on Fish
The word Muhammad (Sal) in the fish tail
The name of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) written on the tail of the fish
The word Allah on Fish
The word Allah on Fish
The word Allah on Fish
The word Allah on Fish
The word Allah in beehive
The word Allah in beehive
The word Allah on Meat
The word Allah on Plant
The word Allah on Plum
The person who sent us the pictures had a dream that someone gave him/her a plum fruit and there were Quranic verses written on it. Few days after the dream, the person went to the market and bought some plum fruits. In one of the fruits, the name of Allah was found.
Turkey masjid in earth quake
It is indeed a miracle from Allah (swt), a miracle of this century. A camera lens captures a miracle from Allah (swt), if we were to realize it we would flee unto Allah (swt) and repent to him. Look how the town was totally destroyed and most of the buildings were leveled with the surface of the earth, especially around the mosque, except for the mosque which was not harmed at all, and a building across the street from the mosque, the side facing the mosque is totally unharmed yet the rest of the sides of the building were damaged, because had it collapsed it would have fallen on the masjid's extension. If one were to guess, before the earthquake, what in that town would be damaged it would of course be the masjid's Minaret. It's tall thin weak based structure is an indication that any earth movement will force it to collapse but no! Everything was destroyed but that! SUBHAN ALLAH!
The word Allah on Plum
Allah in Reflection
The post light of penang bridge reflects the holy name of Allah
The word Allah in Tomato
The word Allah in Water Melon
The word Allah on Appollo Satellite
The word Allah on Bean
The word Allah on Cat
The word Allah on Chappathi
The word Allah on Cow
Those who are familiar with Arabic will easily be able to identify what is on the side of the cow reads - "Allah"(swt)
The word Allah on Eggs
About five years ago 33 year old Mikail Guclu from the Regent Quarter of the Hague, Holland, bought some eggs fresh from the farm and as usual had them on sale in his shop. But two of the eggs seemed slightly strange. "I noticed that the shells were a little misshapen." he said "Very odd, just like Arabic letters, And then suddenly I saw it: 'Allah'(swt)." Reason enough for him to call a friend. He himself speaks four languages but his knowledge of Arabic is limited and besides, he wanted to hear all the 'ins and outs' of it. "But I could hardly believe what he said - what he could read on the egg was "There is but one God, Allah(swt), and Mohammed(saaw) is His Prophet." ThatĘs why I asked others just to be on the safe side, and I went to the mosque, to the imam. Everyone said the same thing."
The word Allah onįsheep
The word Allah on Leaf
The word Allah on Mountain
Ice forms the name of Allah on a mountain
The word Allah in the shape of fingers
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem in potato
The word Allah on a vegetable
The word Allah in the picture of earth
This picture of the earth was made from space from the spaceship Appolo-16 . This picture was published in magazine National Geographic . People were wondering why in this picture some unusual zigzags at the top part of the picture. And only later on somebody who knows Arabic found out that these so called zigzags resembles word Allah in Arabic
The word Allah on Stone
The word Allah on Wood
The words Allah & Muhammad (sal) in Brinjal
The words Allah & Muhammad (sal) in Star
The words Allah & Muhammad (sal) in Star
The words Allah & Muhammad (sal) on moon
The words Allah & Muhammad (sal) on moon
Deep Sea
Island of Star And Moon
Kalima in Heart Flow
Muhammad(sal) in Honey
The Red Rose Nepular
The Red Rose Nepular. The picture was taken by the NASA Hubble Space Telescope of the "Cat's Eye Nebula", an exploding star 3,000 light years away. It is also mentioned (Nasa Site) that this represents a dying star, which inevitably is the awaiting fate of our own solar system. The holy Quran speaks of the day when the sky is torn apart, it would be like a Red Rose like ointment. This was mentioned in the holy Book the Quran over 1,400 years ago.
Sea Barriers
Kalma-E-Tayyeba Written On The Stone
The word Allah in Heart
Quran Verses from fire
The parts of pages which had written verses of holy quran on them remain saved from fire
The word Allah in Aubergine
We will show them our proofs in the horizons, and within themselves, until they realize that this is the truth. Is your Lord not sufficient as a witness of all things? [Holy Qur'an 41:53]
Kalima In Lungs
HUMAN BODY TESTIFIES TO DIVINE TRUTH This is the pattern of air tubes in the lungs of all human beings. This pattern has been worked out with extreme precision on a computer in Saudi Arabia. The air pipes are distributed in the shape of the declaration of the Islamic creed in the arabic language that affirms the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of Muhammad (P.B.U.H). It reads "La IlahaI llallahu - Muhammad-ur-Rasullah" (There is no deity but Allah and Muhammad(P.B.U.H) is the Messenger of Allah). (Photo by courtesy of Dr. Syed Ashrafuddin, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
The word Allah in Aubergine
Mrs Ruksana Patel, in Bolton, England, bought an aubergine from a local shop. On slicing the vegetable in half, she saw that the seeds were formed in the Muslim symbol 'Ya-Allah'(swt), meaning 'Oh Allah.'
The hidden message in the graph
The holy Qur'an comprises 114 suras (chapters) each of which is made up of varying numbers of ayats (verses). The illustration on the left shows a scatter graph of the number of verses in a sura against the number of the sura. The result resembles the word "Allah" in Arabic (right). The Qur'anic revelation was made by Archangel Gabriel to Prophet Mohamrned (PBUH). It took place over a period of more than 20 years beginning with the first verses of sura 96. After a three year hiatus, the revelation continued up to the death of the Prophet (PBUH) in 632 C.E. Whenever a fragment of the Qur'an was revealed,the Prophet (PBUH) called one of his literate companions and dictated it to him, indicating at the same time the exact position of the new fragment in the fabric of what had already been revealed. Extremely diverse materials were used for this initial record e.g. leather, parchment,wooden tablets, bones and soft stones for inscription. At the same time the Prophet (PBUH) recommended his followers to memorise the Qur'an, thereby doubly preserving the text. Following the death of the Prophet (PBUH)in 632 C.E., Abu Bakr (RA), the first Caliph of Islam, asked the Prophet's (PBUH) main scribe, Zaid Ibn Thabit, to make a copy which he duly did. On Omar's (RA) initiative (the then future second Caliph), Zaid consulted all the information he could assemble in Medina and produced a very faithful copy of the book. Omar, Abu Bakr's successor in 634 C.E. subsequently made a single volume (mushaf) which he preserved and passed on to Hafsa, his only daughter and the Prophet's (PBUH) widow. The third Caliph, Uthman (RA), entrusted a commission of experts with the preparation of the great recension that bears his name. The commission evaluated the authenticity of the document produced under Abu Bakr (RA) and which had remained with Hafsa until then. They also consulted Muslims who had memorised the Qur'an. The critical analysis of the authenticity of the text was carried out very stringently. The agreement of the witnesses was deemed necessary before the slightest verse containing debatable material was retained. The result was a text containing an order of sura that reflects the order followed by the Prophet (PBUH) during his recitals in Ramadan. The 114 suras were arranged in approximately decreasing order of length although there were exceptions. The sequence of the suras in the Qur'an has proved to be of much interest in modern times. A young Turkish Engineering student at Istanbul Technical University was fascinated by this topic, so much so, that he plotted by hand, a graph of he number of verses in a sura against the number of the sura. The result startled him as it resembled the word "Allah" (God) in Arabic. His findings appeared in a Turkish national newspaper in February 1986. At the beginning of this article is a computer generated scatter graph of "length of sura" (ie number of verses that it contains) against "number of the sura". The graph is provided both in its raw form and with added shading. There is a distinct similarity between the graph and the Arabic word "Allah". Is this a coincidence or something much more?
King Pharaoh (Firaun)
IN British Museum there is one very unique mummy which was found by Red Sea, at place called Jabalain. It resembles a person with the beard, it is the oldest mummy (Scientists says that it is age approx 3 thousand years), even all inside organs were not removed. Also Scientists says that even mummy can t be preserved so well within such long period. So what is the secret of such good preserve of this mummy? See the answer in the Holy Qur an where it is says that the Fir aun will be preserved as a warning for generations.
The word Muhammad(sal) in Ring Stone
Islamic Research owns the ring which says Mohammad. It is really small dots becoming together inside the stone saying Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him).
The word Allah in Brinjal
Names of Prophet on Stones
The names of the Prophet and his household on rare stones. Please click on the above image to enlarge.
The Red Tree on Ashoora
The tree that turns red on the day of Ashoora (the day Imam Husain was shaheed)
The Red Tree on Ashoora
The tree that turns red on the day of Ashoora (the day Imam Husain was shaheed)
Name of Hazrath Ali(Ral) in Moon
Names of Allah & Rasool on a banana
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